Search a video,

Skip the rest

The fastest way to search what's shown, said, and shared in any video across your workspace.

Search a video,

Skip the rest

The fastest way to search what's shown, said, and shared in any video across your workspace.

Work Anywhere

Work Anywhere

Work Anywhere

Thred works where you do

Thred works where you do

Thred works where you do

Bring Video Search into every part of your workflow.

Bring Video Search into every part of your workflow.

Google Meet

Make Meets recordings searchable with Thred.

Google Meet

Make Meets recordings searchable with Thred.

Google Meet

Make Meets recordings searchable with Thred.


Make Zoom recordings searchable with Thred.


Make Zoom recordings searchable with Thred.


Make Zoom recordings searchable with Thred.


Make Slack videos searchable or search Thred from Slack.


Make Slack videos searchable or search Thred from Slack.


Make Slack videos searchable or search Thred from Slack.

Microsoft Teams

Make Teams recordings searchable with Thred.

Microsoft Teams

Make Teams recordings searchable with Thred.

Microsoft Teams

Make Teams recordings searchable with Thred.